Pipeline & Database Intergration

the end of data flow, it will be consumed. When an entity has been collected, it eventually will be sent to pipelines. Pipeline provides way to do:

  • cleaning/validating collected entity
  • de-duplicates
  • database storing

Inspection of Pipeline

Let's take a look at the simplified code of Pipeline before diving deeper.

fn main() {
pub struct PipeLine<'pl, E, C> { 
    initializer: Option<&'pl dyn for<'a> Fn(&'a mut App<E>) -> Option<C>>,
    disposer: Option<&'pl dyn for<'a> Fn(&'a mut App<E>)>,          
        Option<&'pl dyn for<'a> Fn(Vec<E>, &'a mut App<E>)>, 
    process_yerr: Option< 
        &'pl dyn for<'a> Fn( 
            Vec<Result<Response, MetaResponse>>, 
            &'a mut App<E>, 
		// other fields omitted
  • the method initializer get called only once over the runtime, it returns a generic type C which defined by user, the generic type is usually a connection cursor to storage destination.
  • the method disposer get called once when the pipeline ends.
  • the method process_entity processes a vector of entity then consume them.
  • the method process_yerr processes a vector of failed response then consume them.

Diesel Sql

Diesel is the most productive way to interact with SQL databases. It is recommanded to get around the basics of diesel here . A detailed example is given at examples.

Other Database

Almost other databases are equipmented with rust-based driver, it is just as simple as following the documentation, implementing the necessary methods.

Here is an simple example for MongoDB Intergration with driver mongodb.

fn main() {
pub async fn establish_connection(_app: &mut App<_>) -> Option<&'static mongodb::Client> {
		static INIT: Once = Once::new();
    static mut VAL: Option<mongodb::Client> = None;
    unsafe {                        
        let uri = "mongodb://";
        INIT.call_once(|| {
            VAL = Some(mongodb::Client::with_uri_str(uri).await.unwrap());  

pub async fn store_item(ens: Vec<_>, _app: &mut App<_>) {
	// do stuff here like validating and dropping 
	let client = establish_connection(_app).await;

// set up pipiline 
let pipeline = Pipeline::builder()

This pipeline will insert collected entity into MongoDB.