
Before stepping into the topic, dyer-cli is highly recommanded to be installed. Dyer-cli is a handy tool for your easy and fast use of dyer,


dyer-cli is public crate, just run the following in the terminal,

cargo install dyer-cli 

once installed, type dyer in the terminal to check, if something like following it is successfully installed.

Handy tool for dyer

   dyer [subcommand] [options]
   eg. dyer new myproject --debug 

Create Project

Dyer-cli generates a template that contains many useful instances and instructions when using dyer with following code:

dyer new myproject

It will create a project called myproject and the files layout displays:


Project layout and its role

Main functionality of each file:

  • the affix.rs serves as an actor to adjust and satisfy additional requirement
  • the entity.rs contains entities/data structure to be used/collected
  • the parser.rs contains functions that extract entities from response
  • the actor.rs contains initial when opening and final things to do when closing
  • the middleware.rs contains Some middlewares that process data at runtime
  • the pipeline.rs contains entities manipulation including data-storage, displsying and so on
  • the lib.rs exports all modules inside the directory, just do nothing here normally
  • Cargo.toml is the basic configuration of the project
  • README.md contains some instructions of the project
  • data/ place to store/load files of App when load-balancing and backup

Basic Procedures

Then it is your show time, basically there are simple example items(function, enum, struct) in each file you can follow. After that check your code

dyer check

if you run it the first time, dyer-cli will download the crates and then check the code. if some warning happens such as unused import or dead code the command does a lot for you:

dyer fix

A wraper of cargo fix, if some warning happens such as unused import or dead code the command does a lot for you. However it won't help if some errors occur, if so, you have to debug the code manually.

Edit dyer.cfg file in the root directory

the file contains some configurations of ArgApp that will update periodically, for more details see [dyer.cfg Configuration]

When the program compiles, haha run it:

dyer run